
For any reprint, please contact Daniel Sol (
Čapkun-Huot, C., Blumstein, D. T., Garant, D., Sol, D., Réale, D. (2024). Toward a unified framework for studying behavioural tolerance. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
Lanuza, J. B., Collado, M. Á., Sayol, F., Sol, D., Bartomeus, I. (2023). Brain size predicts bees' tolerance to urban environments. Biology Letters, 19(11), 20230296.
Garcia-Raventós, A., Muñoz-Merida, A., Lapiedra, O., Unzeta, M., Ferrandiz-Rovira, M., Sol, D. (2023). Identification of sex-linked SNP markers in wild populations of monomorphic birds. Molecular Ecology Resources, 23, 1905-1913.
Sol, D., Olkowicz, S., Sayol, F., Kocourek, M., Zhang, Y., Marhounová, L., Osadnik, C, Corssmit, E, Joan Garcia-Porta, J, Martin, TE, Lefebvre , L and Němec, P (2022). Neuron numbers link innovativeness with both absolute and relative brain size in birds. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6(9), 1381-1389.
Garcia-Porta, J., Sol, D., Pennell, M., Sayol, F., Kaliontzopoulou, A., Botero, C. A. (2022). Niche expansion and adaptive divergence in the global radiation of crows and ravens. Nature Communications, 13(1), 2086.
van Overveld, T., Sol, D., Blanco, G., Margalida, A., de la Riva, M., Donázar, J. A. (2022). Vultures as an overlooked model in cognitive ecology. Animal Cognition, 25, 1-13.
Sol, D., Garcia‐Porta, J., González‐Lagos, C., Pigot, A. L., Trisos, C., Tobias, J. A. (2022). A test of Darwin’s naturalization conundrum in birds reveals enhanced invasion success in the presence of close relatives. Ecology Letters, 25(3), 661-672.
González‐Lagos, C., Cardador, L., Sol, D. (2021). Invasion success and tolerance to urbanization in birds. Ecography, 44(11), 1642-1652.
Lapiedra, O., Sayol, F., Garcia-Porta, J., Sol, D. (2021). Niche shifts after island colonization spurred adaptive diversification and speciation in a cosmopolitan bird clade. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1958), 20211022.
Swan, C. M., Brown, B., Borowy, D., Cavender‐Bares, J., Jeliazkov, A., Knapp, S., ... Ricotta, C. (2021). A framework for understanding how biodiversity patterns unfold across multiple spatial scales in urban ecosystems. Ecosphere, 12(7), e03650.
Padulles Cubino, J., Borowy, D., Knapp, S., Lososová, Z., Ricotta, C., Siebert, S., ... Sol, D. (2021). Contrasting impacts of cultivated exotics on the functional diversity of domestic gardens in three regions with different aridity. Ecosystems, 24(4), 875-890.
Sayol, F., Ducatez, S., Sol, D. (2020). Larger brains spur species diversification in birds. Evolution, 73(10), 2085-2093.
Sol D, O Lapiedra, C González-Lagos, M De Caceres (In press) Resource preferences and the emergence of individual niche specialization within populations. Behavioral Ecology 32, 1202-1211.
Collado MÁ, R Menzel, D Sol, I Bartomeus (2021) Innovation in solitary bees is driven by exploration, shyness and activity levels. Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (3), jeb232058
Callaghan CT, F Sayol, Y Benedetti, F Morelli, D Sol (2021) Validation of a globally-applicable method to measure urban tolerance of birds using citizen science data. Ecological Indicators 120, 106905
Sayol F, Collado M, Garcia-Porta J, Seid MA, Gibbs J, Agorreta A, San Mauro D, Raemakers I, Sol D and Bartomeus I (2021). Feeding specialization and longer generation time are associated with relatively larger brains in bees. Proc R Soc B 287, 20200762
Cubino JP, D Borowy, S Knapp, Z Lososová, C Ricotta, S Siebert, et al. (2021) Contrasting impacts of cultivated exotics on the functional diversity of domestic gardens in three regions with different aridity. Ecosystems 24, 875-890
Unzeta, M, Matin, T. & Sol, D (2020) Body size and nest predation in passerine birds. Am Nat 196: 743-754
Sol, D, C Trisos, C Múrria, A Jeliazkov, C González‐Lagos, AL Pigot, ... (2020) The worldwide impact of urbanisation on avian functional diversity. Ecology Letters 23 (6), 962-972
Ducatez, S, D Sol, F Sayol, L Lefebvre (2020) Behavioural plasticity is associated with reduced extinction risk in birds. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-6
Ducatez, S, L Lefebvre, F Sayol, JN Audet, D Sol (2020) Host Cognition and Parasitism in Birds: A Review of the Main Mechanisms. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 102
Sayol, F, D Sol, AL Pigot (2020) Brain Size and Life History Interact to Predict Urban Tolerance in Birds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 58
Sayol, F, O Lapiedra, S Ducatez, D Sol (2020) Larger brains spur species diversification in birds. Evolution 73, 2085-2093
Maspons, J, R Molowny-Horas, D Sol (2019) Behaviour, life history and persistence in novel environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1781), 20180056
Sol, D. JS Weis (2019) Highlights and Insights from" Biological Invasions and Animal Behaviour". Aquatic Invasions 14 (3)
Peguero, G, D Sol, M Arnedo, H Petersen, S Salmon, JF Ponge, ... (2019) Fast attrition of springtail communities by experimental drought and richness–decomposition relationships across Europe. Global Change Biology 25 (8), 2727-2738
Collado, MA, D Sol, I Bartomeus. Bees use anthropogenic habitats despite strong natural habitat preferences. Diversity and Distributions 25 (6), 924-935
Sayol, F, PA Downing, AN Iwaniuk, J Maspons, D Sol (2018) Predictable evolution towards larger brains in birds colonizing oceanic islands. Nature Communications 9 (1), 1-7
Lefebvre L, S Ducatez, F Sayol, D Sol (2018) Are Urban Species City Specialists or Habitat Generalists? Integrative and Comparative Biology 58, E130-E130
Sol, D, J Maspons, A Gonzalez-Voyer, I Morales-Castilla, LZ Garamszegi, ... (2018) Risk-taking behavior, urbanization and the pace of life in birds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72 (3), 59
Peguero, G, R Bonal, D Sol, A Muñoz, VL Sork, JM Espelta (2017) Tropical insect diversity: evidence of greater host specialization in seed‐feeding weevils. Ecology 98 (8), 2180-2190
Sol, D, I Bartomeus, C González‐Lagos, S Pavoine (2017) Urbanisation and the loss of phylogenetic diversity in birds. Ecology Letters 20 (6), 721-729
Sayol, F, J Maspons, O Lapiedra, AN Iwaniuk, T Székely, D Sol (2016) Environmental variation and the evolution of large brains in birds. Nature Communications 7 (1), 1-8
Perals, D, Sol, D, Griffin, AS, Bartomeus, I (2016) Revisiting the open-field test: What does it really tell us about animal personality? Animal Behaviour 123, 69-79
Vall-llosera, M, Llimona, F, De Cáceres, M, Sales, S, Sol, D (2016) Competition, niche opportunities and the successful invasion of natural hábitats. Biological Invasions 18 (12), 3535-3546
Vágási, CI, Vincze, O, Pătraș, L, Osváth, G, Marton, A, Bărbos, L, Sol, D, Pap, PL (2016) Large‐brained birds suffer less oxidative damage. Journal of evolutionary biology 29 (10), 1968-1976
Sayol, F; Lefebvre, L, Sol, D (2016) Relative brain size and its relation with the associative Pallium in birds. Brain, behavior and evolution 87 (2), 69-77
Garcia-Porta J, Šmíd, J, Sol D, Fasola M, Carranza, S (2016) Testing the island effect on phenotypic diversification: insights from the Hemidactylus geckos of the Socotra Archipelago. Scientific Reports 6
Sol, D, Sayol, F, Ducatez, S, Lefebvre, L (2016) The life-history basis of behavioural innovations. Phil Trans R Soc B 371:20150187
Diquelou, MC, Griffin, AS, Sol, D (2015) The role of motor diversity in foraging innovations: a cross-species comparison in urban birds. Behav Ecol 00:1–8 doi: 101093/beheco/arv190
Lapiedra O, Sol D, Traveset A, Vilà M (2015) Random processes and phylogenetic loss caused by plant invasions. Glob Ecol Biogeogr24: 774-785
Moiron M, González-Lagos C, Slabbekoorn H, Sol D (2015) Singing in the city: High song frequencies are no guarantee for urban success in birds. Behav Ecol 26:843–850 doi: 101093/beheco/arv026
Sol, D; Maspons, J (2015) Integrating behavior into life-history theory: a comment on Wong and Candolin. Behavioral Ecology 26:677-678
Sol D, González-Lagos C, Moreira D, et al (2014) Urbanisation tolerance and the loss of avian diversity. Ecology Letters 17:942–950
Sol D, Lapiedra, O, Vilà, M (2014) Do close relatives make bad neighbords? PNAS 111, E534–E535
Sol, D, Lapiedra, O, González-Lagos, C (invited review, 2013) Behavioural flexibility for a life in the city. Animal Behaviour 85: 867-1134
Lefebvre, L, Reader, SM and Sol, D (2013) Innovating Innovation Rate and Its Relationship with Brains, Ecology and General Intelligence. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 81: 143-145
García-Peña, GE, Sol, D, Iwaniuk, AN, Székely, T (2013) Sexual selection on brain size in shorebirds (Charadriiformes). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 878-888
Sol, D, González-Lagos, C, Moreira, D, Maspons, J (2013) Measuring tolerance to urbanization in comparative analyses. Ardeola 60: 3-13, Invited review
Lapiedra, O , Sol, D, Carranza, S, Beaulieu, JM (2013) Behavioural changes and adaptive diversification in pigeons and doves. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 280: 1471-2954
Lendvai, AZ, Bókony, V, Sol D, Angelier, F, Chastel, O (2013) Do smart birds stress less? An interspecific relationship between brain size and corticosterone levels. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 280: 20131734
Leung B, Roura-Pascual N, Bacher S, et al (2013) Addressing a critique of the TEASI framework for invasive species risk assessment. Ecology Letters 16: 1415–e6
Gutiérrez F, Gárriz, M, Peri, JM, Ferraz, L, Blas Navarro, J, Barbadilla, A, Sol D, Valdés, G (2013) Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits. Evolution, Human Behaviour 34: 41–48
Leung B, Roura-Pascual N, Bacher S, Heikkila J, Brotons Ll, Burgman M, Dehnen-Schmutz K, Essl F, Hulme P, Richardson D, Sol D, Vila M (2012) TEASIng apart alien species risk assessments: a framework for best practices. Ecology Letters 15: 1475–1493
Sol, D, Maspons, J, Vall-llosera, M, Bartomeus, I García-Peña, GE, Piñol, J, Freckleton, RP (2012) Unravelling the life history of successful invaders. Science 337:580-583 (Recommended by F1000 Faculty
Bartomeus, I, Sol, D, Pino, J Vicente, P, Font, X (2012) Deconstructing the native-exotic richness relationship in plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 524-533
Sol, D Griffin, A, Bartomeus, I (2012) Innovative behaviours in invasive common mynas: Creativity, motivation or emotional responses? Animal Behaviour 83: 179-188
Sol, D Griffin, A, Bartomeus, I (2012) The paradox of invasion in birds: Competitive superiority or ecological opportunism? Oecologia 169: 553-564
Overington, SE, Griffin A, Sol, D& Lefebvre, L (2011) Are innovative species ecological generalists? A test in North American birds. Behavioral Ecology 22: 1286-1293
De Cáceres, M, Sol, D, Lapiedra, O, Legendre, P (2011) A framework for estimating niche metrics using the resemblance between qualitative resources. Oikos 120: 1341-1350
Sol, D Griffin, A, Bartomeus, I, Boyce, H (2011) Exploring or avoiding novel food resources? The novelty conflict in an invasive bird. PLoS One 6: e19535
Sol, D (2010) Dissecting biological invasions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25:133
González-Lagos, C, Sol, D, Reader, SM (2010) Large brained mammals live longer Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 1064-1074
Piñol, J, Espadaler, X, Cañellas, N Martínez-Vilalta, J, Barrientos, JA, Sol, D (2010) Ant vs bird exclusion effects on the arthropod assemblage of an organic citrus grove Ecological entomology. 35: 367-376
Sol, D, Garcia, N, Iwaniuk, A, Davis, K, Meade, A, Boyle, A , Székely, T (2010) Evolutionary divergence in brain size between migratory and resident birds. PLoS One 5: e9617
Vall-llosera, M, Sol, D (2009) A global risk assessment for the success of bird introductions. Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 787-795
Clavero, M, Brotons, L, Pons, P, Sol, D (2009) Prominent role of invasive species on global avian biodiversity loss. Biological conservation 142: 2043-2049
Sol, D (2009) Revisiting the cognitive buffer hypothesis for the evolution of large brains. Biology Letters 5: 130-133
Price, T, Sol, D (2008) Genetics of Colonizing Species. American Naturalist 172: S1-S3
Gassó, N, Sol, D, Pino, J, Dana, ED, Lloret, F, Sanz-Elorza, M, Sobrino, E,Vilà, M (2008) Exploring species attributes and site characteristics to assess plant invasions in Spain. Diversity and distributions 15: 50-58
Lefebvre, L, Sol, D (2008) Brains, lifestyles and cognition: are there general trends? Brain Behavior, Evolution 72: 135-144
Sol, D, Price, TD (2008) Brain size and body size diversification in birds. American Naturalist 172: 170-177
Hulme, P, Bacher, S, Kenis, M, Klotz, S, Kuhn, I, Minchin D, Nentwig, W, Olenin, S, Panov, V, Pergl, J, Pysek, P, Roques, A, Sol, D, Solarz, W, Vilà, M (2008) Grasping at the routes of biological invasions: a framework for integrating pathways into policies. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 403-414
Sol, D, Bacher, S, Reader, S, Lefebvre, L (2008) Brain size predicts the establishment success of mammal species introduced into novel environments. American Naturalist 172: S63-S71
Carnicer, J, Brotons, L, Sol, D, de Caceres, M (2008) Random sampling, abundance-extinction dynamics and niche-filtering immigration constraints explain the generation of species richness gradients. Global Ecology, Biogeography 17: 352-362
Sol, D (2008) Artificial selection, naturalization and fitness: Darwin’s pigeons revisited. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93: 657-665
Carnicer, J, Brotons, Ll, Sol, D, Jordano, P (2007) Community based processes behind species richness gradients: contrasting abundance-extinction dynamics and sampling effects in low- and high productivity áreas. Global Ecology and Biogreography 16: 709-719
Morand-Ferron, J, Sol, D, Lefebvre, L (2007) Kleptoparasitism in birds: Brain or brawn? Animal Behaviour 74: 1725-1734
Sol, D, Vilà, M, Khün, I (2007) The comparative analysis of historical alien introductions. Biological Invasions 10: 1119-1129
Sol, D, Székely, T, Liker, A, Lefebvre, L (2007) Big-brained birds survive better in nature. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Serie B 274: 763-769
Réale, D, Reader, S M, Sol, D, McDougall, P T and Digenmanse, N (2007) Integrating animal temperament within ecology and evolutionary biology. Biological Reviews 82: 291-318
Marino, L, Sol, D, Toren, K, Lefebvre, L (2006) Does diving limit brain size in cetaceans? Marine Mammal Science 22: 413-425
Sol, D, Clavell, J, Vall-llosera, M (2006) Book review: Naturalised birds of the world. Ibis 148: 572-588
McDougall, P T, Réale, D, Sol, D, Reader, S M (2006) Wildlife conservation and animal temperament: an evolutionary overview. Animal Conservation 9: 39-48
Jovani, R, Sol, D (2005) How predictable is the abundance of double gametocyte infections? Parasitology Research 97: 84-86
Reader, SM, Sol, D, Lefebvre, L (2005) Comparing Cognition: Comment on Roth and Dicke. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9: 411
Sol, D, Lefebvre, L, Rodriguez-Teijeiro, J-D (2005) Brain size, innovative propensity and migratory behaviour in temperate Palearctic birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Serie B 272: 1433-1441 (see comment in Nature, doi: 101038/ news050627-8)
Sol, D, Stirling, G , Lefebvre, L (2005) Behavioral drive or behavioral inhibition in evolutionary diversification: the case of subspecies diversification in Holarctic Passerines. Evolution 59: 2669-2677
Sol, D, Duncan, R P, Blackburn, TM, Cassey, P , Lefebvre, L (2005) Big brains, enhanced cognition and response of birds to novel environments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA) 102: 5460-5465 (see comments in Science 307:1867 [2005] and PNAS 102:5306-5307 [2005])
Sol, D, Elie, M, Marcoux, M, Chrostovsky, E, Porcher, C, Lefebvre, L (2005) Ecological mechanisms of a resource polymorphism in Zenaida doves of Barbados. Ecology 86: 2397-2407
Kark, S, Sol, D (2004) Mediterranean ecosystem bird introductions: Patterns of success and failure across convergent climate regions. Conservation Biology 271: 1519-1527
Jovani, R, Amo, L Arriero, E, Krone, O, Marzal, A, Shurunlinkov, P, Tomás, G, Sol, D, Hagen, J, López, P, Martín, J, Navarro, C, Torres, J (2004) Double gametocyte infections in Apicomplexan parasites of birds and reptiles. Journal of Parasitology 94: 155-157
Morand-Ferron, J, Reader, SM, Sol, D, Elvin, S, Lefebvre, L (2004) Costs and benefits of innovative food processing behaviour, dunking behaviour in Carib grackles. Animal Behaviour 68: 1267-1274
Cassey, P, Blackburn, TM, Sol, D, Duncan, RP, Lockwood, JL (2004) Global patterns of introduction effort and establishment success in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Serie B 271: S405-S408
Lefebvre, L, Reader, SM, Sol, D (2004) Brains, innovations and evolution in birds and primates. Brain, Behavior, Evolution 63: 233-246
Sol, D, Jovani, R, Torres, J (2003) Parasite mediated mortality and host immune response explain age-related differences in blood parasitism in birds. Oecologia 135: 542-547
Duncan, RP, Blackburn, TM, Sol, D (2003) The ecology of avian introductions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 34: 71-98
Copete JL, Arcos JM, Arriero, E, Blas J, Jovani R, Morales J, Rodriguez C, Serrano D, Sol D, Tomas G (2003) Bibliography on Spanish and Mediterranean ornithology from scientific journals. Ardeola 50: 323-338
Nicolakakis, N, Sol, D,, Lefebvre, L (2003) Behavioural flexibility in birds predicts species richness, but not extinction risk. Animal Behaviour 65: 445-452
Sol, D, Timmermans, S, Lefebvre, L (2002) Behavioural flexibility and invasion success in birds. Animal Behaviour 63: 495-502
Sol, D (2002) Predicting invaders. Trends in Ecology, Evolution 16: 544
Jovani, R, Tella, JL, Sol, D, Ventura, D (2001) Are hippoboscid flies a major mode of transmission of feather mites among birds? Journal of Parasitology 87: 1187-1189
Arcos, JM, Oro, D, Sol, D (2001) Competition between yellow-legged and audouin’s gulls associated to commercial fisheries: the influence of the season and the fishing fleet. Marine Biology 139: 807-816
Figuerola, J, Jovani, R, Sol, D (2001) Age-related habitat segregation by robins Erithacus rubecula during the Winter. Bird Study 48: 252-255
Vilà, M, García-Berthou, E, Sol, D, Pino, J (2001) Survey of the naturalised plants and vertebrates in peninsular Spain. Ecologia Mediterranea 27: 55-67
Sol, D (2000) Are islands more susceptible to be invaded than continents? birds say no. Ecography 23: 687-692
Sol, D, Lefebvre, L (2000) Behavioural flexibility predicts invasion success in birds introduced to New Zealand. Oikos 90: 599-605
Sol, D, Jovani, R, Torres, J (2000) Geographical variation in blood parasites in feral pigeons: the role of vectors. Ecography 23: 307-314
Sol, D, Santos, DM, Cuadrado, M (2000) Age-related site segregation in urban pigeons: experimental evidence of the competition hypothesis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 144-149
Sol, D, Santos, DM, García, P, Cuadrado, M (1998) Competition for food in urban pigeons: the cost of being juvenile. Condor 298: 304-1998
Bosch, M, Sol, D (1998) Habitat selection and breeding success in yellow-legged gulls. Ibis 140: 415-421
Sol, D, Santos, DM, Feria, E, Clavell, J (1997) Habitat selection by the Monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) during the colonization of a new area in Spain. Condor 99: 39-46
Bosch, M, Sol, D (1996) Daily activity patterns in breeding yellow-legged gulls (Larus cachinnans). Ardeola 43: 97-101
Sol, D, Arcos, JM, Senar, JC (1995) The influence of refuse tips on the winter distribution of yellow-legged gulls (Larus cachinnans). Bird Study 42: 216-221
Sol, D, Senar, JC (1995) Feral pigeon (Columba livia) populations: stability, home range and the effect of removing individuals Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 1154-1160
Authored or Edited
Weis, J, Sol, D, eds (2016) Biological invasions and animal behaviour. Cambridge University Press
Martinez-Vilalta, J, Sol, D, Terrades, J (2011) Un planeta a la deriva. RBA, Barcelona
Sol, D, Oliveras, I, Cristina Sánchez (2008) Llibre de ciències de Secundaria. Enciclopèdia Catalana, vols 1-8
Sol, D, Senar, JC (1995) Ecologia del gavia argentat: causes de la seva expansió i bases per a la planificació d’un programa de control. Departament de Medi Ambient, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona
Sol, D. (2021) Innovation and Problem-Solving. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Animal Cognition. Cambridge University Press.
Sol, D., Lapiedra, O., Ducatez, S., Sayol, F. (2021). Intelligence Versus Natural Selection. In: Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 4174-4177.
Sol, D., Ducatez, S., Sayol, F. (2021). Cognitive buffer hypothesis. In: Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1147-1152.
Ducatez, S., Sayol, F., Sol, D. (2021). Technical Intelligence Hypothesis. In: Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 8112-8116.
Sol, D, O Lapiedra, S Ducatez. (2020) Cognition and Adaptation to Urban environments. In: Evolutionary Biology (Szulkin, Munshi-South & Charmantier, eds), Oxford University Press.
Sol, D, C González-Lagos, O Lapiedra, M Díaz. (2017) Why are exotic birds so successful in urbanized environments? In: Ecology and conservation of birds in urban environments, 75-89, Springer.
Sol, D, Maspons, J (2016) Life history, behaviour and invasion success. In: Animal behaviour and invasive species (Weis, J, Sol, D, Eds) Cambridge University Press.
Sol, D (2016) Progresses and controversies in invasion biology Current. Trends in Wildlife Research, 177-200, Springer
Sol, D, González-Lagos, C, Lapiedra, O, Díaz, M (2016) Why are exotic birds so successful in urbanized environments? In: Urban ornithology (Murgui, Hedblom eds), Springer
Sol, D (2011) La paradoxa de les invasions en ocells Història Natural dels Països Catalans Enciclopèdia Catalana, Barcelona
Sol, D (2009) The cognitive-buffer hypothesis for the evolution of large brains In: Cognitive Ecology, R Dukas, J Ratcliffe (eds) Chicago University Press, Chicago, pages 111-134
Solarz, W, Król, W, Bacher,S, Nentwig, W , Sol, D (2010) Terrestrial Alien Vertebrates in Europe In: Atlas of biodiversity risk, J Settele et al (eds) Pensoft, Sofia, Moscow
Pino, J, Gassó, N, Vilà, M, Sol, D (2008) Regiones y hábitats más invadidos In: Invasiones biológicas, M Vilà et al (eds) CSIC, Madrid, pages 41-51
Sol, D¿Existen los buenos invasores? (2008) El problema de los animales para sobrevivir en nuevos ambientes Invasiones biológicas, M Vilà et al (eds) CSIC, Madrid, pages 65-76
Sol, D (2007) Do successful invaders exist? Pre-adaptations to novel environments in terrestrial vertebrates In: Biological Invasions (Wolfgang Nentwig, ed) , pages 127-141 Springer, Berlin
Sol, D, Blackburn, TM, Cassey, P, Duncan, RP, Clavell, J (2005) The Ecology and Impact of Non-indigenous Birds In: Handbook of the birds of the World , vol 10 Lynx, Barcelona
Sol, D, David M Santos, Clavell, J (2005) Las especies introducidas en España In: Atlas de las aves reproductoras de España, R Martí, JC del Moral (eds), Lynx, Barcelona, page 628
Sol D (2005) Colom roquer, Columba livia In: Atles dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya i Andorra 1999-2002 Lynx, Barcelona, pages 260-261
Clavell, J, Sol D, Batllori, X (2005) Cotorra de Kramer, Psittacula krameri In: Atles dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya i Andorra 1999-2002 Lynx, Barcelona, pages 270-271
Sol, D (2003) Behavioural innovation: a neglected issue in the ecological and evolutionary literature? In: Animal innovation, S M Reader, K Laland (eds), Oxford University Press, Oxford, pages 63-82